Title: Tak Khal Ha 50 Years Later Director: Hamidreza Mohamadian, Meghdad Shahed Producer: Hamidreza Mohamadian, Meghdad Shahed Cinematography: Erphan Khodabande, Amir Shirzaee, Majid Ghavami, Mariana […]
Mohammad Reza Kheradmandan (Writer/Director)
IMDB Mohammad Reza Kheradmandan was born in 1984 in Shiraz, Iran. He graduated with a degree in film directing from IRIB University. He directed his […]
Aboozar Heidari (Director/Editor)
IMDB profile Aboozar graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Television Production/Directing-Editing, from the Broadcasting University of Iran in 2007. Since then, he has directed, […]